Musical Habits and Smartphone Addiction of College Students: Mediating Role of Self-Control


  • Weihong Central Connecticut State University
  • Michael Gendron
  • Joo Eng Lee-Partridge Central Connecticut State University



Music listening, music playing and creating, smartphone addiction, self-control, music preference, college students


This study uses theories of habit and self-control to explore the relationship between musical habits and smartphone addiction among college students. Our findings reveal that self-control mediates this relationship, with individual differences playing a significant role. While musical listening habits, impacted by personal genre preferences, positively impact self-control, active music engagement, through playing an instrument and/or creating music, negatively affects it. We suggest using interventions to promote mindful music engagement to mitigate smartphone addiction. These insights contribute to understanding how music habits influence digital behaviors and offer practical strategies for fostering healthier smartphone use among college populations.


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How to Cite

Weihong, Gendron, M. and Lee-Partridge, J.E. 2024. Musical Habits and Smartphone Addiction of College Students: Mediating Role of Self-Control. International Journal of Business and Social Science Research. 5, 4 (Apr. 2024), 8–18. DOI: